Száz Szikra Kulturális és Hagyományőrző Egyesület (közhasznú) / Hundred Sparks Association
VAT number: HU 18999950, Address: 2094 Nagykovácsi, Mátra utca. 40., Hungary
Registration number: 13-02-0007440 EU


Fenyvesi Zsófi – Art Director and Co-founder of Field of Sparks

Zsófi, as an artist and designer has been the main driving force behind our Association’s work in the last 5+ years, working relentlessly for social justice, great and smooth collaborations with artists, architects, and universities. Find her works at!

Kiss Péter – Co-founder & Main Organizer of Field of Sparks”

"I spent my childhood in Ipolytarnóc, I deeply care for this region, Field of Sparks brings the ray of hope back to this settlement and hopefully to many other places in the future, which was lost long ago, and this is more inspiring and motivating than anything else."

Kiss Ida – Architect / Head of Strategy

"I have a strong personal connection to the hills and meadows of Nógrád county and I believe this region needs a new identity that Field of Sparks facilitates creating with the nature-based methods of art and architecture in a caring way. I joined the team as their work help me regain my sense of belonging and I can help it grow further. "

Szabó Péter Róbert – Head of Architecture

"Architectural work can be utilised not only in the broader interpretation of the construction of buildings. The omnidirectional experience resulting from construction processes and then the presence of built objects can cause traces in a cultural landscape that can fundamentally redefine the potential inherent in a place. Field of Sparks is an attempt to rethink this."

Majorosi Zsófi – Head of Graphic Art

Zsófi has been part of our graphic designer team from the beginning, she was there at the first brushstrokes we ever made on a wall and with her dedication, talent and enthusiasm she became a vital member of our core creative team behind Field of Sparks.